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Mindfulness to Conscious Awareness: The secret to successfully achieving our goals.

Mindfulness to Conscious Awareness: The secret to successfully achieving our goals.

communication mastery conscious awareness goal achievement mindfulness voice is energy Jan 15, 2025

For a number of years, it has seemed to me that you can't pick up a newspaper or magazine, and when flipping the pages, see a discussion about mindfulness.


Numerous best-selling books over the last several years have spoken of mindfulness. There are even psychological studies about mindfulness.


There are systems, series, and practices built around improving mental clarity and emotional well-being through mindfulness.


"Psychology Today" has described mindfulness as "a state of active, open attention to the present, observing one's thoughts and feelings without judging them."


In today's article, I will be speaking about, not mindfulness, but what in Vocal Awareness for the last six decades has been described as Conscious Awareness. And in this same context, the importance of a daily solitudinal ritual that creates an opportunity for us to live in Conscious Awareness, employing what in Vocal Awareness is called the Sixth Ritual of the Work—Paying Attention and Listening Deeply, to the inner conversation that we all have between Source and Self.


Personally, the term mindfulness has always been a bit too psychologically or intellectually linear for me.


I have been teaching Communication Mastery for six decades. It is also a metaphor, as I am simultaneously teaching Life Mastery. 


As many of you who read this blog may know, I am a classical singer by training, with a Master of Arts in music, and have trained great artists, myriad performers, Hall of Fame and Olympic gold medal athletes for generations.


The one common thread woven throughout all of these immensely successful individuals, is that in their performance moment, whether in sport or art, they are in Mastery in their performance.


Through the many years of teaching and observation, I've come to recognize that Mastery is only achieved when one integrates mind/body/spirit.


An athlete before competing always turns inward with a prayer or a Self-focused ritual. The same for an artist before their performance.


For to be in Mastery requires ritual, and a profound connection to a transcendent force that enables us to achieve and fulfill our goals and Vision.


One of the NBA Hall of Famers I teach has told me that the night before a game, when going to sleep, he would visualize his game plan for the next day and then simply execute his Vision.


With my birthday at the end of this month, I begin my 61st year of teaching and my 58th year of not missing a single day of prayer and meditation.


My day traditionally begins with my spiritual practice 2 to 3 hours ahead of my workday or playday. It simply is foundational to the man I am, the life I live, and the values I aspire to embody and teach.


In every form of Mastery I am aware of, except for Vocal Awareness—my Work, when one completes their performance, they are no longer in Mastery. They are just “themselves.”


But as I often say, in Vocal Awareness, there is no ‘off switch’, for this isn't only a performance technique; it is Life Mastery technique.


Through the metaphor of the principles that Vocal Awareness teaches—when teaching Empowerment Through Voice—it becomes clear that our spiritual time, our ritual time, is essential.


I love my spiritual time in the morning (I also pray in the evening, though I do not meditate then, and the time is considerably briefer than the 45 minutes or so I devote in the morning).


In this intimate space, when one follows a daily spiritual practice of any design, I always encourage us to tune into our Deeper Listening. Not merely create a moment where you are doing what you are ‘supposed to do’, but really taking one's time to allow a 5-second Conscious, Loving Breath without rushing, and enjoying it while doing so. For you see, the root of the word Spirit simply means "to breathe;" the Hebrew word 'Neshamah' means both "soul" and "breath."


So, accessing the quality of our breath in this very intimate way shifts EVERYTHING.


To access Conscious Awareness begins with the quality of our Loving Breath, and just stay with the breath, no rushing at all (this might take a minute or so), then slowly and conscientiously reflect on your Vision, your goals, your day, your life, your challenges, your opportunities—the gestalt of who you are and how you want to live.


In my prayer/meditation time, I truly surrender, serve, and soar. Surrender meaning "to yield" or "to give back." I am in service to Source. I am in service to my Calling. None of this has anything to do with ego. It has to do with my Higher Calling.


I teach that the two greatest fears we all confront every single day are: fear of abandonment and ownership of our power.


This Journey is not for the faint of heart, but as we create spiritual and mental discipline (teaching/learning), we create the opportunity to be at one with us—discovering us, being supportive of who we are, patient, loving, and forgiving (my second ritual is to Love and Let Go, which includes forgiveness and bountiful love of Self.)


In Vocal Awareness, I teach that the Journey is never outward but always and only inward, toward discovery of the Deeper Self. For me each day, the Journey begins anew, and the rituals once again incorporated in my meditation/prayer time.


As I conclude this morning ritual, I am cognizant of carrying it through in my waking state each and every day. Again, there is no ‘off switch’ in this Work. I strive to embody the integrity of this moment throughout my day and by extension, each and every day of my life.


Of course, I am just like you—human, and stuff happens. The Conscious Awareness that has evolved over the decades from this morning ritual has become my due north. So when I lose my way, I am better able to find my way back to my Deeper Self, and to once again, be who I aspire to be.


As I conclude today's article, whether you call it mindfulness, or as I refer to it Conscious Awareness/Deeper Listening, I advocate creating a mind/body/spirit structure and daily ritual that takes place at the same time each and every day.


Lastly, I wasn't actually going to speak about this in this article, but as I'm in my deeper listening at the moment creating it, I also want to bring to your attention the New Form of Mastery Journal, coming up with my birthday at the end of this month.


I share it because of one of my paradigms: “Structure does not impinge it liberates. Freedom without direction is chaos.” When speaking about mindfulness, Conscious Awareness/Deeper Listening, it is all about tuning in while tuning out the white noise of negative patterns, inappropriate behaviors, trauma, doubt, fear. The Journal I designed creates a space for you to have an accountability partner—your Self, in the sanctity, the privacy of your own space, a place to lovingly, respectfully, nurturingly discover all that is possible within you.


With this Journal, I advocate even incorporating it at the conclusion of your spiritual time each and every day. ‘Watch what happens’ as you surrender/serve/soar to all that is possible within you, as you create the structure, not just to do, but to be your very best. 


Embrace this loving, intimate daily practice that will enable you to truly step into the power of all that is possible for you.


Enjoy your discoveries, enjoy your Journey as you confidently and consistently live in the power and freedom of your Deeper Self.