How To Speaking Confidently?

Jul 26, 2023

If you think about it, most of our waking hours are spent communicating with others. Whether we are sharing information at work, discussing a problem with a friend, or simply exchanging pleasantries with a stranger, we are constantly engaged in some form of communication. Given the importance of communication in our lives, it’s surprising how little attention we paid to developing this critical skill.

Most people don’t think about how to speak confidently because it comes naturally to them. However, for some people, speaking confidently can be a real challenge. If you’re one of those people who get tongue-tied or nervous when speaking in public, don’t worry – there are things you can do to improve your communication skills.

Here are four tips on how to speak confidently:

  1. Slow down. When we get nervous, we tend to speak quickly in an effort to get the words out as quickly as possible. While it’s natural to speak faster when we’re nervous, it can actually make us sound less confident and can cause us to trip over our words. Instead of rushing through your words, take a deep breath and speak slowly and deliberately. This will not only help you sound more confident, but it will also help you focus on what you’re saying.
  2. Make eye contact. When we avoid eye contact, it sends the message that we’re not confident or that we’re trying to hide something. Making eye contact shows that we’re comfortable with the person we’re talking to and that we’re interested in what they have to say. Try to make eye contact with each person in the room when you’re speaking, even if you’re feeling nervous.
  3. Stand up straight. Our body language plays a big role in how confident we appear to others. When we stand up straight and keep our shoulders back, it shows that we’re comfortable in our own skin and that we’re ready to take on the world. On the other hand, slouching or hunching over conveys insecurity and lack of confidence. So next time you’re getting ready to speak, make sure you’re standing up tall and proud.
  4. Use your hands. Using gestures when you talk can actually make you sound more confident and can help get your point across more effectively. When we use our hands to gesture, it shows that we’re passionate about what we’re saying and that we believe in what we’re saying. Just be sure not to overdo it – too many gestures can be distracting and can make you look unprofessional.

Practicing these tips will help you speaking confidently in any situation. The more you do it, the easier it will become. So don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and start practicing today!

Why Is Speaking Confidently Important?

We all know the importance of confidence. It’s often the one thing that can set us apart from others and help us to succeed. But why is speaking with confidence so important?

For starters, when we speak with confidence, we send a signal to others that we know what we’re talking about. We come across as being more credible and trustworthy, and people are more likely to listen to us and take us seriously.

Additionally, confident speakers are more likely to be persuasive. They’re better able to win over others to their point of view, and to get people to take action.

Finally, confident speakers tend to be more successful. They’re more likely to be able to land the job they want, close the deal they’re working on, or get people to support their cause.

So, if you’re looking to improve your chances of success in any area of your life, start by working on your confidence. The benefits are clear.

What Does Speaking With Confidence Mean?

Confidence is defined as a feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something;
firm belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of someone or something.
In other words, confidence is believing in yourself and your abilities.

When it comes to public speaking, confidence is key.
If you don’t believe in yourself, it will be difficult to convince your audience to believe in you.

There are a few things you can do to build confidence before you step on stage:

  • Understand your material inside and out.
  • Visualize yourself giving a great presentation.
  • Arrive early to the event to get a feel for the room and the audience.
  • Know your opening and closing lines.

If you can do these things, you will be well on your way to delivering a confident and
convincing presentation.

What Does It Mean To Speak Confidently?

Most of us have had moments where we didn’t speak with confidence. Maybe we hesitated before answering a question or we were anxious about giving a presentation.

It can be tough to know how to project confidence, but it’s important to remember that confidence is not about perfection. It’s about feeling comfortable with who you are and being able to express yourself authentically.

Here are some tips to help you speak with confidence:

  • Believe in yourself – if you don’t think you can do it, you probably won’t. Have faith in your abilities and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
  • Be prepared – if you’re well prepared for whatever you’re doing, you’ll be less likely to feel tense or nervous. Take the time to do your research and practice as much as you can.
  • Be decisive – don’t hesitate or second-guess yourself. If you’re unsure about something, it’s okay to ask for help or clarification, but don’t spend too long deliberating.
  • Be yourself – people are attracted to authenticity, so don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be genuine, honest, and let your unique personality shine through.

Remember, confidence is something that you can build up over time. It takes practice and it’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it. So go out there and start speaking with confidence today!

Why Is It Important To Speak Confidently?


There are many reasons why confidence is important in communication. For one, when we lack confidence, we tend to speak more quietly and quickly, which can make it difficult for others to understand us. Additionally, people who lack confidence often avoid eye contact, which can make them seem uninterested or even untrustworthy. On the other hand, confident people tend to speak more slowly and clearly, making it easier for others to understand them. They also make strong eye contact, which conveys interest and sincerity.

In addition to making communication more effective, confidence also makes us more persuasive. People who are confident in their ability to influence others are more likely to be successful in negotiations and other situations where they need to get others to agree with them. Finally, confidence is simply more attractive than insecurity; people who radiate confidence are more likely to be seen as leaders and to be successful in many areas of life.

So why is it so important to speak with confidence? Because confidence makes us better communicators and more persuasive, and because it’s simply more attractive than insecurity. If you want to improve your communication skills and your life in general, start by working on your confidence.

What Is Confident Speaking?

“Confident speaking” is an important skill for anyone who wants to be successful in today’s world.

Some people are born confident speakers, but many of us have to work at it.

Here are some tips to help you become a more confident speaker:

  • Believe in yourself and your message
  • Know your audience
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Be prepared
  • Relax and have fun

Remember, there is no one perfect way to be a confident speaker. Just find what works for you and go for it!

What Does It Mean To Communicate With Confidence?

Whether you’re giving a presentation at work or simply talking to a friend, communicating with confidence is key to getting your point across. But what does it actually mean to communicate with confidence?

Simply put, confident communication is all about being clear, concise, and accurate in what you’re saying. It’s also about being aware of your body language and vocal cues, and using them to emphasize your points.

Here are a few tips to help you communicate with confidence:

  • Be aware of your body language. Your body language plays a big role in how confident you come across. Make sure you stand up straight, make eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize your points.
  • Use strong vocal cues. Speak clearly and concisely, and project your voice so that you’re easy to hear. Avoid filler words, like “um” or “like,” which can make you sound unsure of yourself.
  • Be knowledgeable about what you’re talking about. Nothing makes you sound more confident than knowing your stuff inside and out. If you’re not sure about something, do your research beforehand so you can speak with authority on the topic.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice communicating, the more confident you’ll become. So if you’re feeling nervous about a big presentation, make sure to rehearsal beforehand so you can nailed it when the time comes.

Remember, confidence is key when it comes to communicating effectively. By being clear, concise, and knowledgeable, you’ll be able to get your point across loud and clear.

How Do You Speak With Confidence And Authority?

One of the most important things you can do when networking or giving a
presentation is to sound confident and authoritative. If you don’t, people
will tune you out quickly. No one wants to hear someone who sounds like they
don’t know what they’re doing.

So how do you sound confident and authoritative? It starts with your
voice. You want to speak in a clear, strong voice. Avoid using filler words
like “um” and “uh.” Take a deep breath before you start talking, and try to
slow down your speech. Pausing between sentences can also help you sound more

Your body language is also important. Make sure you stand up straight and
keep your shoulders back. Avoid fidgeting or crossing your arms. Eye contact
is key – try to make eye contact with as many people as possible when you’re
speaking. And smile! A genuine smile will make you seem more confident and

Finally, it’s important to actually believe in what you’re saying. If you
don’t believe in your message, no one else will. So before you give a
presentation or start networking, take some time to think about what you’re
saying and why it matters. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to
sounding confident and authoritative.

How Do You Gain Confidence In Speaking?

We all want to be confident when we communicate. whether we’re giving a presentation at work, leading a meeting, or teaching a class. But for many of us, the prospect of speaking in front of others can be daunting. We might worry about what others will think of us, or whether we’ll make a fool of ourselves.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to boost your confidence when speaking in public. Here are some tips:

1. Prepare thoroughly

One of the best ways to feel more confident when speaking is to be prepared. Know your material inside out and make sure you’re comfortable with it. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel.

2. Practice, practice, practice

Another way to boost your confidence is to practice your presentation or speech as much as possible. The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll feel. And the better you’ll be at dealing with any problems that might arise.

3. Visualize success

Another way to build your confidence is to visualize yourself succeeding. See yourself delivering a great presentation or speech. Imagine the applause and the positive feedback you’ll receive. This will help to build your confidence and your self-belief.

4. Focus on your audience

One of the best ways to feel more confident when speaking is to focus on your audience, not on yourself. Think about what they need and want to hear. This will help you to relax and to connect with them.

5. Start strong

Another way to build confidence is to start your presentation or speech with a strong opening. This will grab your audience’s attention and make them more likely to listen to what you have to say.

6. Take your time

If you’re feeling nervous, it’s important to take your time. Don’t rush through your presentation or speech. Pause for breath and make sure you’re enunciating clearly. This will help you to stay calm and to project confidence.

7. Deal with problems

If you do encounter any problems during your presentation or speech, don’t panic. Stay calm and deal with them in a confident manner. This will show your audience that you’re in control and that you’re capable of dealing with difficult situations.

8. Use your body language

The way you use your body can have a big impact on how confident you come across. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize your points. This will make you appear more confident and more credible.

9. End strong

Just as it’s important to start strong, it’s also important to end your presentation or speech on a high note. This will leave your audience with a positive impression and it will boost your own confidence.

confidence is vital when speaking in public. By following these tips, you can develop the confidence you need to deliver a great presentation or speech.

How Do I Get Confidence In Speaking?

I am an introvert by nature. Public speaking is not something that comes naturally to me. In fact, the thought of speaking in front of a group of people makes me very anxious.

However, I have found that there are ways to build confidence in speaking. Here are a few of the things that have helped me:

1. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

If you know your material inside and out, you will be less likely to freeze up or make a mistake. Make sure to practice your presentation several times before you have to give it.

2. Visualize Yourself Being Successful

It sounds hokey, but visualization can be a powerful tool. See yourself giving a great presentation, nailing that job interview, or whatever it is you’re anxious about.believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

3. Find a Supportive Friend or Mentor

It helps to have someone in your corner who believes in you and is willing to help you prepare. Find a friend or mentor who can give you honest feedback and help you build your confidence.

4. Take Baby Steps

If the thought of speaking in front of a group of people is too overwhelming, start with something smaller. Give a presentation to one person, or practice in front of the mirror. Once you’ve mastered that, you can start working your way up.

5. Be Positive

Remember that you can do this! Give yourself positive affirmations and focus on the success you want to achieve. Every time you give a presentation or speak in public, you’re going to get a little bit better and a little bit more confident.

These are just a few of the things that have helped me build confidence in speaking. Do you have any tips to share? I’d love to hear them!

How Do I Gain Confidence To Speak?

Public speaking can be a daunting task for even the most confident individual. Addressing a group of
people, whether it be for a presentation at work or to give a toast at a wedding, can make anyone’s
heart race.

The best way to gain confidence when speaking in public is to be prepared. If you know your material
inside and out, you will be much less likely to stumble over your words or forget what you were going to say.
Practice in front of a mirror, or even better, videotape yourself so that you can see how you come across to an

It is also important to remember that everyone is rooting for you to succeed. No one wants to see you
fail, so take a deep breath, relax, and just go for it.

How Do I Become Confident In Speaking?

I have always been a shy person. As early as I can remember, I never liked being the center of attention. I was always the quiet one in class, and I never volunteered to answer questions or participate in group activities. Even now, as an adult, I still get nervous when I have to speak in front of a group of people.

So, how do I become confident in speaking? It’s a process, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But, there are a few things that have helped me become more confident in myself and my abilities.

One of the most important things is to believe in yourself. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s true. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. It’s important to build up your own self-confidence before you can start to project confidence to others.

Another important thing is to be prepared. If you know your material inside and out, you’ll be less likely to get tongue-tied or nervous when you’re speaking. Take the time to research and practice what you’re going to say before you get in front of your audience.

Finally, it’s important to relax and go with the flow. If you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. Just take a deep breath and relax. The more you do it, the easier it will become.

Public speaking can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can become a more confident speaker in no time.

How Can I Talk Confidently?

Are you ever in a situation where you have to talk, but you feel nervous and uncertain? Maybe it’s in a meeting at work, or during a presentation, or even just talking to someone you don’t know very well. We’ve all been there before. Speaking confidently can be a challenge, but it is essential if you want to be successful in any field. Here are a few tips to help you boost your confidence and speak like a pro:

1. Know Your Subject

If you’re well-versed in what you’re talking about, it will be easier for you to speak confidently. Be sure to do your research and learn as much as you can about your topic before you attempt to speak about it. This way, you’ll be able to answer any questions that come up and you won’t be thrown off by unexpected topics.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

If you want to be a confident speaker, you need to practice. This means giving speeches, presentations, or talks on a regular basis. The more you do it, the easier it will become. When you have to speak in front of people, try to think of it as just another opportunity to practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll become.

3. Be Prepared

One of the best ways to boost your confidence is to be prepared. This means knowing your material inside and out. Write out your speech or presentation beforehand, and then practice it until you have it memorized. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting what you’re going to say or getting tongue-tied.

4. Concentrate on Your Audience

When you’re giving a speech or presentation, it’s easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and nerves. However, it’s important to remember that your audience is there to listen to you, not the other way around. If you can focus on your audience and connect with them, it will help you to relax and speak more confidently.

5. Use Positive Visualization

Before you give a speech or presentation, take a few minutes to visualize yourself doing it successfully. See yourself speaking confidently and engaging with your audience. This positive visualization will help to increase your confidence and make it more likely that you’ll have a successful experience.

6. Take Your Time

When you’re nervous, it’s easy to speak quickly and try to get through your speech or presentation as quickly as possible. However, this will only make you more nervous and increase the chances of making a mistake. Instead, take your time and speak slowly and calmly. This will help you to stay focused and confident.

7. Relax and Enjoy Yourself

Last but not least, it’s important to relax and enjoy yourself. Remember that you’re the expert on your topic, and you’re there to share your knowledge with others. If you can enjoy the experience, it will be easier for you to speak confidently.

Speaking confidently can be a challenge, but it’s an essential skill if you want to be successful. By following these tips, you can boost your confidence and become a pro at public speaking.

How Can I Speak With Confidence?

If you want to become a better speaker, it’s important to have confidence in your ability to communicate. After all, how can you convince others of your point of view if you don’t believe in yourself? While there’s no magic formula for developing self-confidence, there are a few things you can do to build your skills and give yourself a boost before your next presentation.

1. Know your material.

The first step to gaining confidence is to prepare thoroughly. If you know your topic inside and out, you’ll be less likely to get tongue-tied or stumble over your words when you’re speaking. Before your next presentation, take the time to research your topic, make note of key points, and come up with several illustrations or examples to support your main points.

2. Practise, practise, practise.

Once you’ve familiarised yourself with the material, it’s time to start practising. The more you speak, the more comfortable you’ll become with the words and concepts you’re working with. If you can, find a friend or colleague to act as your audience while you practise. This will help you get used to speaking in front of others and reduce the chances of getting stage fright.

3. Visualise success.

Many people find it helpful to visualise themselves giving a great presentation. See yourself standing tall, speaking with authority, and delivering your material with ease. Imagine the audience applauding and cheering when you finish. This mental exercise can help increase your confidence on the big day.

4. Start strong.

It’s important to make a good first impression when you’re speaking. Begin your presentation with a strong opening, such as a catchy story or an interesting fact. This will grab the audience’s attention and help you set the tone for the rest of your talk.

5. Be aware of your body language.

Entering the room with your head held high and maintaining eye contact with your audience are both great ways to come across as confident. Once you start speaking, try to keep your gestures under control and refrain from pacing back and forth or fidgeting. These nervous habits can undermine your message and make you appear less confident.

6. End on a high note.

Just as you want to start strong, you’ll also want to end your presentation on a positive note. Leave the audience with something to remember, such as a thought-provoking quotation or a call to action. This will help you ensure that your talk is remembered long after you’ve left the stage.

With a little preparation and practice, you can develop the confidence you need to give great presentations. Simply believing in yourself is a powerful first step. Just remember to breathe and relax, and you’ll be sure to impress your next audience.

How Can I Speak Confidently?

We’ve all been there before. You’re in front of a group of people, whether it’s a large audience or just a few colleagues, and you have to speak. But when the time comes, your mind goes blank and your palms start to sweat. Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but there are a few things you can do to calm your nerves and speak with confidence.

1. Know your material.

One of the best ways to feel confident when speaking is to know your material inside and out. If you’re well-versed in what you’re talking about, you’ll be less likely to freeze up or make mistakes. Do your research and prepare ahead of time so you can feel confident that you know what you’re talking about.

2. Practice, practice, practice.

Another way to boost your confidence is to practice your presentation ahead of time. Rehearse in front of a mirror, in your car, or even with a friend or family member. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel with your material and the better you’ll be able to handle any unforeseen hiccups.

3. Visualize yourself succeeding.

Before your presentation, take a few minutes to close your eyes and visualize yourself giving a successful presentation. In your mind, see and hear yourself speaking confidently and nailing every point. This exercise can help to increase your confidence and decrease your anxiety.

4. Focus on your audience, not yourself.

When you’re in front of a group of people, it can be easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and worries. But instead of focusing on how you’re feeling, redirect your attention to your audience. Think about why they’re there and what you can do to engage them and make your presentation more enjoyable for them. This shift in focus can help to ease your nerves and allow you to connect with your audience.

5. Take your time.

If you start to feel nervous or flustered, take a deep breath and take your time. Slow down your speaking and make sure to pauses between your points. It’s better to speak more slowly and confidently than to try to rush through your presentation and make mistakes. Your audience will be more patient than you think, so take your time and breathe.

6. Remember that everyone is on your side.

When you’re speaking, it can be easy to feel like everyone in the room is judging you. But try to remember that most people are actually on your side and want you to succeed. They’re not looking for you to fail, so relax and give them the best presentation you can.

7. Focus on the positive.

When you make a mistake, it’s easy to dwell on it and beat yourself up. But instead of dwelling on your mistakes, focus on the positive. For example, if you stumble over your words, don’t think about how you sounded foolish. Instead, focus on the fact that you recovered quickly and kept going. By focusing on the positive, you can help to boost your confidence and stay on track.

8. Give yourself a pep talk.

Whenever you start to feel nervous or doubting yourself, give yourself a little pep talk. Remind yourself of all the times you’ve succeeded in the past and how capable you are. This exercise can help to increase your confidence and motivate you to do your best.

9. Fake it until you make it.

If you’re feeling unsure of yourself, sometimes the best thing you can do is act confident even if you don’t feel it. Put on a brave face and fake it until you make it. Chances are, no one will even know the difference and you’ll start to feel more confident as you go.

10. Just do it!

often, the best way to boost your confidence is to just go for it. The more you do something, the more comfortable you’ll feel with it. So next time you have to speak in public, just do it! The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become.

Can We Talk In Confidence?

We have all been in a confidence-rut at some point or another in our lives. It is easy to

become bogged down by self-doubt and negative thinking. But, what if we took a step back

and learned to talk to ourselves with a little more kindness?

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are in need of a self-confidence boost:

    • Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend. If a friend came to you feeling down

and out, you would likely try to build them up, so do the same for yourself!

    • Focus on your positive qualities. We are often our own worst critics, but it is

important to focus on the positive aspects of who you are. Write down a list of things

you like about yourself and refer to it when you are feeling down.

    • Challenge your negative thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negative

thoughts, try to challenge them. Are they really true? Is there any evidence to support

them? Oftentimes, we get caught up in a spiral of negative thinking, but if we take

a step back and examine our thoughts, we can see that they may not be as accurate as

we thought.

    • Focus on the present moment. Worrying about the future or dwelling on the past

can do a real number on our confidence. Instead, try to focus on the present moment

and what you can do right now to make yourself feel good.

Confidence is something that we all struggle with at times, but it is so important to

remember our worth. We are all worthy of love and respect, so start by giving that to

yourself. Talk to yourself with kindness, focus on your positive qualities, and don’t

Dwell on negative thoughts. If you can do these things, you will be well on your way

to a more confident you.

What Is A Confident Tone?

A confident tone is one that is self-assured, optimistic, and positive. It is often said that a confident tone is the result of a “positive mental attitude.”

This attitude results in a person feeling good about themselves and their abilities, and as a result, they project this positive attitude out into the world. This positive attitude can be contagious, and it often creates a domino effect, making those around the person feel good as well.

A confident tone can be useful in many different areas of life. For example, in a job interview, having a confident tone can show the interviewer that you are positive and optimistic about the position you are applying for. In a sales pitch, a confident tone can help you to close the deal by conveying to the potential customer that you are sure of what you are selling.

While a confident tone is generally seen as a good thing, it is important to note that there is such a thing as being too confident. When a person is too confident, they can come across as arrogant, pushy, or even rude. It is important to strike a balance between sounding self-assured and sounding cocky.

If you are not naturally a confident person, there are a few things you can do to help yourself to project a more confident tone. First, it is important to be honest with yourself about your own abilities and limitations. If you try to act like you know more than you actually do, you will likely come across as fake or insincere. Second, be positive and optimistic in your thinking. Instead of dwelling on the negative, focus on the positive. Third, be prepared. If you know what you are talking about and you are confident in your abilities, it will come across in your tone.

Remember, a confident tone is all about attitude. If you can project a positive, self-assured attitude, you will likely come across as confident.

How Do I Change My Voice To Sound Confident?


Your voice is one of the most important tools you have for communication. It can convey confidence, authority, and power. But what if your voice doesn’t sound confident? How can you change it to sound more confident?

Here are a few tips:

1. Check your posture. Slouching can make your voice sound weaker and less confident. Stand or sit up straight to project confidence through your voice.

2. Slow down. Speaking too quickly can make you sound nervous and uncertain. Take a deep breath and slow down your rate of speech.

3. Speak up. A soft voice can make you sound hesitant and unconfident. Make an effort to project your voice so that it carries to the person you’re speaking to.

4. Use affirmative statements. Phrases like “I’m pretty sure,” “I think,” and “maybe” make you sound unsure of yourself. Replace them with phrases like “I know,” “I’m certain,” and “absolutely.”

5. Be aware of your tone. A harsh, abrasive tone can make you sound angry or aggressive. A more gentle, friendly tone will make you sound approachable and confident.

6. Smile. It may sound cheesy, but smiling can actually make your voice sound more confident. smiling also makes you come across as more likable and sincere.

By following these tips, you can change your voice to sound more confident. Just remember to practice, and soon you’ll sound confident without even thinking about it.

How Can I Talk Smartly And Confidently?

Are you shy or tongue-tied when you’re around people you don’t know well? Do you worry about saying the wrong thing? Or do you just want to make a good impression when you’re networking or meeting new people?

Talking confidently doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are naturally shy, while others may just need a little bit of help to build up their confidence. However, there are some things you can do to build your confidence and start talking smartly and confidently.

1. Know Your Stuff

One of the best ways to talk smartly and confidently is to simply know your stuff. If you’re well-versed in the topic you’re discussing, you’ll be able to talk about it confidently and effectively. Do your research ahead of time so that you’re prepared for any questions or topics that come up.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

If you’re not used to talking in front of groups of people, it can be helpful to practice beforehand. Talk to a friend or family member about the topic you’ll be discussing. Or, if you’re giving a presentation, try practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself so that you can see and hear how you sound.

3. Be Prepared for Questions

If you’re going to be talking to people who don’t know you well, they may ask you personal questions. Be prepared with a few talking points about yourself so that you can confidently answer any questions that come up.

4. Make Eye Contact

When you’re talking to someone, resist the urge to avert your gaze or look around the room. Instead, make eye contact with the person you’re talking to. This will help you come across as confident and interested in the conversation.

5. Smile

Smiling is another simple way to look and feel more confident. When you smile, you’ll come across as friendly and approachable, which can help put the other person at ease. What’s more, smiling has been shown to actually boost your mood, so it’s a win-win!

6. Listen More Than You Speak

If you’re nervous about talking, it can be tempting to just rattle off everything you know about the topic. However, it’s important to listen more than you speak. Not only will this help you get to know the other person better, but it will also give you a chance to catch your breath and think about what you want to say next.

7. Relax and Be Yourself

Last but not least, try to relax and be yourself. The more comfortable you are, the easier it will be to talk confidentially. So take a deep breath and remind yourself that there’s no need to be perfect. The goal is just to enjoy the conversation and make a connection with the other person.